By: Pipiet Palestin Amurwani
This article will have publishe in TOTOBUANG, A National Accredited Journal(Sinta 4) Volume 8 No. 1 Juni 2020
This article will have publishe in TOTOBUANG, A National Accredited Journal(Sinta 4) Volume 8 No. 1 Juni 2020
and counseling teachers or commonly called BK teachers have a very important
role in schools as formal educational institutions. Students who have
behavioral problems must get proper treatment so they can change for the
better. Therefore, a BK teacher should have a good skill in language beside the
counseling competence he/she has. The purpose of this study is to describe the
speech acts carried out by BK teachers in SMK 7 Jember in guiding problematic
students. The data was successfully collected through the record and note
technique is in the form of BK teacher's speech when conducting guidance which
is a speech act. The data source comes from a BK teacher at the 7th Jember
Vocational School who conducts guidance for students who play truant, drink
alcohol outside the school, and smoke in the school environment. The data was
analyzed using the pragmatic theory of speech acts of Austin (1962) and Searle
(1969) and combined with theories of counseling techniques. The results showed
that there were 12 speech acts used by BK teachers in the process of guiding
three students' problems and illocutionary speech acts tended to be used in the
guidance process.
Counseling, Language, Pragmatics, Speech Act
Education is a pillar of the progress of
a nation because education has a duty to prepare human resources for nation and
state development. The school is a formal educational institution in which
there are educational support elements. One of them is the guidance and
counseling teacher that is commonly called BK teacher who has the main task of
educating and guiding students. According to the Joint Regulation of the
Minister of National Education and Head of the State Personnel Agency Number 03
/ V / PB / 2010 Number 14 of 2010 concerning Guidelines for Implementing
Teacher Functional Positions and Credit Scores Article 1 states that guidance
and counseling teachers are teachers who have duties, responsibilities,
authority, and full rights in the guidance and counseling of a number of
students. In carrying out the guidance and counseling process of BK teachers
certainly will not be separated from the role of language. The language used to
communicate in the guidance process is expected to convey messages to students
well. As the opinion of Keraf (2004) which states that language is a
communication tool used by community members in the form of sound symbols
produced by human speech tools. The language used by BK teachers in the
guidance process will have a tremendous impact on their students.
There are several previous studies
on speech acts, namely Mudiono (2010) researched the Indonesian commission
speech acts in family interactions. The method used in this study is the
ethnographic method of communication and pragmatics. The results show that
commission illocutionary acts in family interactions include making promises
and bidding actions, and these actions can develop using various powers. These
actions are influenced by the principles of politeness and cooperation, as well
as the values that develop in the family. These principles are influenced by
socio-cultural dimensions. Etikasari (2012) which examined directive speech
acts in class discourse. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research
approach with micro ethnographic research is a form of the use of ethnographic
research for class researchers who aim to describe the speech and events around
the life of a group and interpret their meaning. The result is that the form
and function of directive speech acts in class discourse include: instructing,
commanding, asking, inviting, urging, prohibiting, suggesting, and inducement
while directive speech acts are found in the context of learning in
preliminary, core, and closing activities. Haryono and Wibisono (2018) examined
the use of the Madurese language level
in the horseshoe area. The use of BM with E-E, Ng-E, and È-B variation in the
perspective of Madurese ethnic in Tapal Kuda is as the politeness
implementation form and formal relationship among speech participants, whereas
variation of BM E-I (ngoko: Javanese) in
family is used to keep intimacy and closed relationship between parents and
children in order not to be too formal. Octavia (2019) examined the perlocution acts
in the song lyrics album Iwan Falls: their relevance to character formation.
The method used is descriptive qualitative which describes the object in
accordance with the actual situation. The results showed that there were 30
data included in the act of speech perlocution and raised 10 relevance to the
formation of a person's character education through the album Iwan Falls song.
This study focuses its study on the
speech acts used by the BK teacher in the guidance process. The aim is to
uncover the utterances used by BK teachers in SMK 7 Jember in dealing with
problematic students, namely students who take truancy, smoke in the school
environment, and drink liquor outside of school by using descriptive qualitative
methods of interpreting and explaining data for find out the speech acts used
by BK teachers at SMK Negeri 7 Jember in the guidance process. As Denscombe
(2003: 267) argues that qualitative analysis is closely related to the meaning
and the way people understand something. Thus it is hoped that this research
can give readers an idea that there are certain utterances that can be used in
conducting guidance on problematic students. So that readers, especially
teachers, can imitate these utterances in providing guidance to students with
The theories used in this research are
the Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) speech act theory to reveal the speech acts
used by the BK teacher in the guidance process, and the theory of counseling of
Fauzan, (2008) to classify the steps of the counseling process. Austin
(1962) mentioned that basically when someone says something, he also does
something. According to Austin, there are three types of actions that can be
done through speech, namely (1) locution act, namely speech that states
something or acts of speech that does not require or force the speech partner
to take certain actions in accordance with what the speaker wants; (2)
illocution act, which is a speech that states as well as performs an act or
speech act that requires the speech partner to take certain actions in
accordance with the desired speaker, which consists of verdict, namely acts of
speech related to right or wrong decisions, excervivies i.e. speech acts that
arise as a result of power, rights or influence, commission, namely speech acts
caused by an agreement to do something, behavior, namely speech acts that
reflect social care, and exposition, namely speech acts used to simplify an
understanding or definition; and (3) acts of perlocution (perlocution act), is
speech that has the power of influence on the speaker to do something or speech
act that forces the speech partner to take certain actions in accordance with
what the speaker wants, for example the act of a judge in court.
The classification made by Searle (1969)
regarding illocutionary acts is based on various criteria, outlined as follows;
(1) assertive, in this illocution the
speaker is bound to the truth of the preposition expressed, for example
stating, proposing, boasting, complaining, expressing an opinion, reporting;
(2) directive, this illocution aims
to produce an effect in the form of actions taken by the speaker, for example
ordering, commanding, begging, demanding, giving advice; (3) commissives, in this illocution the
speaker is more or less bound to an action in the future, for example
promising, offering, vowing; (4) expressive,
the function of this illocution is to express or express the psychological
attitude of the speaker to the situation implicit in the illocution, such as
saying thank you, congratulating,
apologizing, criticizing, complimenting, expressing condolences; (5) declarations, this illocution has
resulted in the suitability of the contents of the proposition and reality, for
example resigning, baptizing, firing, naming, punishing, isolating / disposing,
appointing (employee). In this study, the sentences in question are BK
teacher's speeches which are considered as speech acts that have a specific
purpose towards the students.
According to Fauzan, (2008), the
steps of counseling process are the opening stage, the core stage of
counseling, and the closing stage. In the opening stage, the teacher welcomes
the students and makes sure that they are ready to do counseling. The core stage
of counseling consists of giving advice or solving the problem. In the closing
stage, the teacher closes the guidance process.
Research Methodology
This research is included in pragmatic
studies and is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The data
presented in the form of sentences obtained from the BK teacher's speech when
conducting guidance on students with problems. The sources data of this
research is a BK teacher and 3 (three) students of vocational school 7 Jember
in case truancy, 3 (three) students smoked in school and 3 (three) students) drank
alcohol outside the school. The data was obtained by recording the conversation
between the BK teacher and the students in the process of guidance. After
recording, the next step is writing and classifying the data into the steps of
counseling process. And then, the classified data are discussed using the
appropriate theory. The data are also supported by interviewing the teacher to
know the purpose of the speech act usage.
The Result and Discussion
This research was conducted to
uncover the speech acts used by BK teachers in SMK 7 Jember in conducting
guidance on students with problems. The data in this study are in the form of
19 BK teachers' speeches (nineteen) which are considered as acts of BK
teacher's speeches that have certain objectives.
Truancy Case
Students with absences of more than
three days without information will be called by the homeroom teacher and will
then be referred for guidance from the BK teacher. Then the BK teacher will
make a schedule for mentoring the students accompanied by their homeroom
teacher. If needed, parents of students will also be invited to school at the
next guidance stage. There are three parts in the process of mentoring this
case, namely the opening, the core, and closing. The following is an analysis
of the truant case guidance process;
Three students
sat in front of Pak. Dd by bowing their heads in the BK room and their homeroom
the welcoming phase, the counselor begins the guidance of the counselee by
saying a greeting and proceeding with a speech using a maxim of appreciation or
expressive ilukosi speech acts. As in the following quote;
Data (1)
Dd :
“Pak Dd bangga sama kalian, karena kalian udah berani mengakui kesalahan
kalian. Nggak mudah nak untuk mengakui kesalahan itu.”
‘Pak Dd is proud of
you because you of your bravery to admit your fault. It’s not easy to do it’
Student : “Iya, Pak.”
‘Yes, Sir’
Data (2)
Pak Dd : “Terima kasih mas Yuda.
Tapi mas Yuda sakjane kamu ndak nakal, mas. Semuanya yang saya anu nggak ada
yang nakal. Cuma posisinya yang males itu.”
‘Thank you Yuda. But
exactly you are not naughty. All my students are not naughty. But lazy’
In counseling techniques, expressions of
giving praise or gratitude are called reassurance techniques or giving words of
guarantee or support. The phrase belongs to the reassurance category of providing support (approval) for a positive
action plan. One of the aims of this technique is to distinguish doubt, anxiety
and tension (Fauzan, Hidayah, Ramli: 2008).
In terms of language, Pak Dd expressed
his pride as utterances in the form of a maxim of appreciation (Leech:1983),
while the expression of gratitude towards counselees for the slightest good
thing they did was an expressive illusory act (Searle:1969). Both forms of
speech can be used simultaneously but sometimes only one of them is used by the
counselor. The words “bangga” (proud) and “terima kasih” (thank you) are
commonly used to show maxim of appreciation. The use of these utterances means
giving an award to students who have acknowledged mistakes or just thank the
counselee for being present to meet the counselor's call.
Verbal expressions are made to foster
self-confidence and prevent counselees from fear and anxiety. In line with the
opinion of Fauzan, Hidayah, and Ramli (2008) that with the creation of a sense
of security there will be an impression and perception that there is hope for
the counselee to obtain counselor services. Thus, the use of a maxim of
appreciation in the opening activity is needed to condition the counselee has a
sense of security and comfort so that he can receive advice from the counselor
Core Stage of Guidance
In this stage, the counselor starts to
get to the point. The variety of languages used is a variety of non-formal
languages and there are occasional code mixes, even the use of code switching
to local languages, especially Javanese. Javanese is used in the guidance
process because it is known that these students use the language in their daily
lives so it is assumed that students feel more comfortable and relaxed. This
was stated by Pak Dd as follows;
Kalo keliatan anaknya dari daerah Jawa iya saya pake bahasa Jawa
biar enak, santai, nyamanlah. Anak-anak ga takut.
‘when the students are Javanese so I use Javanese so that they are
The BK teacher's opinion is in line with
Putri's (2018) opinion that the factors that cause the use of code switching
are linguistic factors, class situational factors, the objectives to be
achieved by speakers, and the emotional factors of speakers.
The core stages of guidance can be seen
in the following sample;
Data (3)
Dd : “ehem ehem dah, ke sini
berdua (memanggil dua siswa lainnya)
‘ok, come you both’
Mas Yuda jelas wis tadi di mana?”
mas Yuda is clear where he was’
Student : “Warung, Pak.”
‘Shop, sir’
Pak Dd :”Warung,
warung mana, le?”
‘Shop, where shop is it?’
Student :” Kaliboto, Pak. Al Kausar.”
Pak Dd :”Kaliboto
ya, Al Kausar iku endi.”
‘Kaliboto, yes, Al Kausar,,
where is it..’
Student :”Pasar Kaliboto, Pak.”
market, Sir’
Pak Dd :”Iku fix
kafe tah. Opo o kok krasan neng
kono samean. Kok krasan neng kafe opo o? Wifi an tah piye?
that right a café? Why are you comfort there? Do you need the Wi-Fi?’
Student :”
Nggak ada, Pak.”
In the core stage of counseling, the
counselor uses directive illocution speech acts that ask the counselee's
parents' work or questions about the family and home environment with the aim
that the counselee provides information about his parents or his environment,
so that the counselor can find out the family background and the environment.
Family and environmental factors are very influential on the child's growth and
development and behavior.
The intended speech acts are seen in the
following quotation;
Data (4)
Pak Dd :” Bapak kerja di mana, nak.”
is your father?’
Student :”PG”
Pak Dd :”PG
sini, Jatiroto. Ibu?”
‘PG Jatiroto, your
Student :”Kecamatan.”
Pak Dd :”Ibu
wong kecamatan? Wah wong pendidikan
kabeh. E.. bapak wong
anu ya.”
parents are all educated. Your father?’
Student :” Sinder, Pak.”
‘cinder, sir’
The sentence “Bapak kerja di mana, nak?”
(what is your father?) in data (4) shows that the teacher wants to know about
the background of the student’s family deeper. The teacher believes that family
has an important role in children development. As Yunhadi
(2016) said that the better the family education of the child, the less the
level of delinquency in the child.
In this stage the counselor also uses
directive acts of advice in the form of the following quotation;
Data (5)
Pak Dd :”Sinder pisan.
Wah, mosok bapak e sinder ibu kecamatan, anak e glebes, ha? Hehe. Nggak, yo tapi kamu bagus le, artinya bagus itu
Ketika tadi tak tanya, Pak Dd aja belum jelaskan aja udah “aku neng iki pak,
aku neng iki. Aku seneng, tapi le..sakno
bapak, yo. mosok disekolahno, maksude bapak ibu iku gini le, cek supoyo dadi
wong, cek supoyo dadi wong sing baik.
Amanah wong tuwomu mosok diselinduhno le, yo wayahe sekolah.. sekolah. Ambek arek kene Yud mainmu neng nggone
anu..neng nggone..”
Wow, your father is cinder your mother is an officer in sub district, it means
like this. I am happy that you are honest to admit where were you when you
played truant. But, poor your father. He sent you to school so that you can be
a good person. Never ignore your parent’s mandate ’
The quote above shows the BK teacher
advises students not to skip school and diligently use speech “maksude bapak ibu iku gini le, cek supoyo
dadi uwong, cek supoyo dadi wong sing baik. Amanah wong tuwomu mosok
diselinduhno le, yo wayahe sekolah sekolah” (The intention of this mother
and father is this boy, so that he can be a person, so that he can be a good
person. The mandate of parents being cooked is ignored, yes, it is time to go
to school). In this activity, the BK teacher uses the advice technique, which is to signal actions that have the safest
opportunities for themselves and others. From the data of this research, the
teacher always uses Javanese language in giving advice. The purpose is to make
the student calm so that easy to understand what the teacher mean, as the
teacher said,
keliatan anaknya dari daerah Jawa iya saya pake bahasa Jawa biar enak, santai,
nyamanlah. Anak-anak ga takut.”
(When I know the student is
Javanese I use Javanese language so that he/she can be comfortable)
The advice implies that the student does
not play truant so that he becomes a good child for his parents and a good
person. This means, in the core activity of guidance counseling teachers use
directive illocution speech acts in advice techniques to stimulate students to
do something and also give advice to students related to the problems they
In ending the guidance process in the
case of truant learners, BK teachers say the word “ok. Besok bisa ya mempertanggungajawabkan ke orang tua ya.”
Accompanied by the nonverbal act of tidying up the book signifying that the
guidance on that day was finished. This action is called the termination
technique (termination or closing) in which the counselor ends the guidance to
be continued in the next session (Fauzan, Hidayah, Ramli: 2008). The directive
illocution action is also used in the closing stage which indirectly instructs
students to bring their parents to meet the BK teacher for coordination. This
means the guidance will continue to the next guidance process by presenting
students' parents. As shown in the following quote;
Pak Dd : “hehehe
ok. Besok bisa ya mempertanggungjawabkan ke orang tua ya… dijelaskan ya besok
orang tua ke sini. Tos tos tos “
ok. Tomorrow can you make the responsibility to your parents? Explain to your parents tomorrow’
Student : ”iya,
‘yes, sir’
Thus, the closing activity of the
guidance is carried out by using directive acts of indications which indicate
the completion of the guidance activity.
The Case of Drinking Alcohol
outside of School
Five children
were summoned to the counseling room because of drinking alcohol outside the
school and outside of school hours (at night) according to residents' reports.
Parents of students are also called to the BK room for coordination. They sat
in front of the BK teacher.
The BK teacher opens the guidance
activity by saying hello. Then proceed with giving questions expressly related
to the violations they have committed. As seen in the following utterance;
Data (7)
Pak DD : “… Minum-minumnya di mana
kamu, kenanya di mana kamu? dan sana itu…
…Jadi yang jelas mas Samsul Arifin kamu berapa kali minum ?”
Did you drink? Where were you arrested? In the dam?so mas Arifin how many times you got drunk?’
Student : “sering”
Pak DD : “tempatnya di mana aja mas ? di situ atau di tempat lain
‘where is the place’?’
Student :“di tempat lain.”
‘another place’
Pak DD : “di mana?”
‘where is it?’
Student :“Di situ baru pertama kali”
‘Only once there’
Pak DD :“Di tempat lainnya di mana sayang”
‘Where is the other place, baby?’
Student :“Pindah-pindah”
‘no madden’
Thus, the concluding activity of guidance
is carried out with decisiveness carried out because the problem of liquor
including severe problems can even enter the realm of law.
This technique is called the lead/
questioning technique in which the counselor specifically directs the
counselee's conversation to the desired flow according to the process and
content of counseling discussion, which is about the problem of students caught
in the act of drinking outside of school hours. The question posed shows the
directive illocutionary actions taken by the BK teacher to produce the effect
of the actions taken by the speaker, namely the place used for drinking. This
means, at the stage of opening a case of drunkenness or drinking liquor begins
with the technique of lead/ questioning by applying the directive act of asking
Core Stage of Guidance
At this stage, the BK teacher starts
with a reassurance technique using a maxim of appreciation in the form of a
thank you to the students for their acknowledgment. This expression of thanks
also indicates that the BK teacher uses expressive speech acts in the core
stages of guidance.
Data (8)
Pak DD : “terima kasih gapapa samsul saya minta kamu
ngomong apa adanya saya seneng malahan dari pada ndak berani ngomong…”
you, it’s ok Samsul. I ask you to say honestly.’
Then, the BK teacher continues with a
narration that asks students to position themselves as parents who have
children with such behavior. This was done so that students think and feel that
the actions he did would make his parents disappointed. BK teachers do it as an
effort to touch the hearts of students. As stated by Pak Dd in the following
interview results
Seandainya kamu tak kasih peran jadi orang tua
bagaimana perasaanmu? Jadi di situ mungkin mengena…
‘If you were the
parents, how do you feel?’
These actions are included in the
sharing of experience technique with feedback-type state statements. The goal
is to know the feelings of parents by students so that they can be input for
consideration of responses. In terms of language, BK teachers have used the
directive illocutionary speech act which indirectly asks students to imagine
and position them as their parents. As shown in the quote below;
Data (9)
Pak Dd : “…saya balik kamu sekarang menjadi bapak atau
ibu anak e samean koyok smean ngene perasaan mu koyok opo. Wes tak balik sudah.
Jawaban e sayang jawaban e ojo auauau..
nek anak e koyok ngene kamu akan apa yang terjadi. Coba dijawab ha...”
‘I ask
you, imagine that you were the parents. what do you feel if you have a child like
Student : “iya”
Pak Dd : “opo iya iku”
‘yes what?’
Student : “kecewa”
After knowing the students' responses
that showed remorse, the BK teacher gave information about the risks of taking
alcoholic drinks. The goal is that students know that the action will harm
themselves and also the family, so they can avoid the act. So it can be
interpreted that it is expected that the information provided by the BK teacher
can have a positive influence on students to stay away from alcohol. This
indirect technical advice is included in the act of conservation. According to
Austin (1962), the act of preservation is a speech that has the power to
influence the speaker to do something or the speech act that forces the speech
partner to take certain actions in accordance with what the speaker wants. As
shown in the following data;
Data (10)
Pak Dd :
“..koen milih mati ta ya opo ojo ngawur ta mas iyo koen sekarang gak kerasa nak
ndak terasa jenenge paru-paru mu seger alkohol 70% seger sekarang bos saya
bilang iku opo onok e dua bulan kedepan apa yang terjadi garing paru-paru mu
langsung mari ngene muleh e bunuh diri kamu yo mati nganggur kamu mas wong loro
neng rumah sakit kepengen waras lha koen malah kepengen neng rumah sakit
malahan iki seng garai pertanyaan pikiran e smean opo, opo mendem iku enak, nge
fly enak,…”
you want to die? Don’t be crazy. Now, you don’t feel it. Your lungs are still
fresh. 70% alcohol is fresh now. But let’s see in the next two months what will
happen? Your lungs will become dry. You kill yourself. Your death is useless.
What are you thinking or? Is it nice to be drunk?...’
examples of the data are;
Data (11)
Pak Dd :
“…sekarang kamu, kemarin kena di kepolisian mohon maaf tak buka e mohon maaf
mas ya nama samean sudah masuk daftar riwayat kenakalan remaja di daftar hitam
kepolisian efek negatif yang kedua untuk mengurusi SKCK kamu sudah lhooo...
masuk komputer peminum gawe kerjo rodok susah karena laporannya ada catatan
hitam kamu mati no dewe mematikan langkah mu sendiri…”
you, yesterday police arrested you sorry I say this your name has been noted in
the police blacklist the second risk is that you can’t make your SKCK…you will
have difficulty to find jobs because you are in the blacklist you have killed
you own way…’
Data (12)
Pak Dd : “…membusukkan
organ dalam yang kamu punya sekarang kalau gak percaya mohon nanti siapa orang
tuanya wan siapa bu…”
‘…to break your vital
organ if you don’t believe it please check it up…’
Thus, at the
core stage of the liquor case the counselling teacher uses counselling
techniques of reassurance, sharing of experience, and advice by applying
linguistic elements in the form of a maxim of appreciation, expressive
illocutionary speech acts, directive and perlocution.
Closing Stage
The guidance process ends with an action termination with utterance,
Data (13)
Pak Dd : “…saya
kira itu ya saya tutup kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarokatuh…”.
think that’s all wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh…’
The speech is included in the assertive illocutionary speech act, namely
the BK teacher directly states closing the guidance activity. Thus the guidance
activities on the liquor problem were closed with assertive illocutionary acts.
Cases in the School Environment
Four students sat in front of Pak. Dd with his face
down, accompanied by their respective homeroom teacher.
Opening Stage
The BK teacher begins the guidance of the smoking case with a clear
narrative that they have violated government regulations namely smoking in the
school environment, as shown in the following quote;
Data (14)
Pak Dd : “…koen melanggar prosedure pemerintah…”
broke up the government rule…’
The speech acts in quotation (14) above
are included in assertive illocutionary speech acts namely that BK teachers are
bound to the truth of government regulations regarding smoking bans in the
school environment. In line with the opinion of Searle (1969), namely the
assertive illocutionary act of the speaker is bound to the truth of the
preposition expressed for example states, proposes, brags, complains, expresses
opinions, reports. The BK teacher stated that the actions of students smoking
in the school environment were a violation.
Core Stage of Guidance
At this core stage, the BK teacher makes
a statement that he does not want to meet with the students in any case. This
technique is called the rejection technique (prohibit, prevent) that uses
components of government regulations as a reference with the aim of avoiding
the counselee from the possibility of harming themselves and the environment.
In line with the opinion of Fauzan et al (2008) that the rejection technique is
the verbal response of the counselor forbid the counselee in disguise or
directly to continue the plan that will harm or harm others or himself. The
following excerpt shows the rejection technique in question;
Pak Dd :“…Ojok
sampek koen berhadapan maneh iku tak deleng ae, ojok sampek koen berhadapan
maneh aku terserah wes masalah opo apapun itu,…”
face me again in any cases,…’
The BK teacher's speech above shows the
directive illocutionary act which is indirectly instructing the students not to
violate again. In line with Searle's (1969) opinion that the directive
illocutionary acts of speech aim to produce an effect in the form of actions
taken by the speaker. After the information about the consequences of smoking
in the school was conveyed then the BK teacher continued the guidance by asking
where students lived.
Data (16)
Pak Dd : “Nggak mas awakmu lapo mene lek iki ero yo
1 2 3 4 koen tak
tes ta kepengen ngerti aku omahmu endi ?”
‘Where dou you live?’
Student : “Mangkalan”
Information about the student's
residence aims to provide an overview of the environment. Besides parents, the
environment is an important factor for the growth of children's behavior. The
sentence “omahmu Endi?” (where do you live?) shows that the teacher wants to
know about the student’s environment. He believes that the environment
including the society surrounding the student’s home give a big influence to
the student’s attitude. As Saputra (2017) said that
individuals and the environment have close relationship that is the environment
can affect individuals, conversely individuals can also affect the environment.
The teacher also said,
mengetahui anak ini dalam pantauan orang tua atau tidak, mengetahui latar
belakang orang tua juga pastinya berpengaruh pada tingkah laku anak. Kalau
orang tua tidak ada, pasti yang terbesar memengaruhi anak adalah lingkungannya.
‘To know
this child I parental monitoring or not, knowing the background of parents also
certainly affects the child’s behavior. If there is no parent certainly the
biggest influence on children is the environment.’
After finding out information about the
residence, the BK teacher asks about the parents' work. The aim is to find out
the background of parents, including their education, which is considered to
have an influence on parenting and supervision of children as explained in the
interview above. The following is an excerpt of the utterance;
Dd : “Kerjone wong
tuomu opo mas?”
‘ What is your
Student : “kecamatan”
Then the BK teacher uses the technique
of sharing of experience by applying the directive illocutionary speech acts.
The BK teacher asks students to imagine the feelings of their parents who have
children behaving like themselves. As shown in the following statement;
Data (18)
Pak Dd : “Saiki tak takok i yo, koen dadi bapak aku
dadi anakmu nak, tak kei perasaan 1 2 3 koen dadi bapak dadi ibuk koen
nyekolahno anakku koen dadi anakmu, tak balekno wes perasaanmu yaopo koen
disekolahno supoyo pinter, nggak popo koen ngerokok o nakal biasa bro terus
terang pak dedik nggak pernah nakal tak jawab, wes yo aku teko endi ngomong lek
aku dadi anakmu terus anakmu koyok awakmu terus yaopo perasaane, ojok ojok
ngawurlah mangkane mangkane yaopo perasaane anakmu mursal ngene.”
‘Now I want to
ask you, how do you feel when you were a parent and you have a child like you
BK teachers also praise students for
their honesty in admitting their mistakes. The award given is in the form of
praise and thanks by applying the maxim of appreciation. This reassurance
action is carried out to provide moral support to students that there is still
a good side to them. In line with the opinion of Fauzan et al. (2008) that in
the reassurance technique there is the provision of the word guarantee/reward
by the counselor whenever the counselee shows significant progress both just
cognitive planning and real progress in behavior change.
Thus, at the core stage of the smoking
case the BK teacher uses two counseling techniques namely rejection counseling,
sharing of experience and reassurance techniques. In carrying out these
techniques the BK teacher uses the linguistic element in the form of code
switching to Javanese and the application of the maxim of appreciation and
directive illocutionary acts.
The guidance activities were closed with
the following utterances;
Data (19)
Pak Dd : “…ya sudah, simple kan…”
‘…alright, it’s simple, right..’
The speech above shows the termination
technique with the type of indirect termination verbally by applying locus
speech acts that do not ask or force the speech partner to do something that
the speaker wants but only aims to end the guidance.
Based on the description in the previous
discussion, it can be concluded that in the process of guiding three cases of
problematic students there are 12 speech acts used by the BK teacher. In the
case of truancy there is the use of expressive illocutionary speech acts at the
opening stage in the form of a thank you, while at the core and concluding
stages using the directive illocutionary speech acts in the form of commanding
and advising. In the case of drinking alcohol there is the use of directive
illocutionary speech acts at the opening stage in the form of commanding speech
and the core stage of the guidance in the form of directive speech acts
governing and advising. In the closing stages, the BK teacher applies assertive
speech acts with stated actions.
In the case of smoking in the school the
BK teacher uses assertive speech acts at the opening stage, which is stated.
Illocutionary directive speech acts are used at the core stage in the form of
commanding actions accompanied by the use of expressive illocutionary speech
acts of gratitude which are also included in the maxim of appreciation. At the
closing stage, it uses locus speech acts.
Thus in the process of mentoring problem
students BK counselors tend to use illocutionary speech acts especially
directive illocutionary speech acts especially at the core stage. The directive
speech act used is the act of asking to do something. Expressive illocutionary
acts of speech in the form of gratitude or maxim of appreciation are always
used in the guidance process, both at the opening, core, or during the closing
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